Empowering embodiment and connection
Welcome to our community of gay, bi, trans and queer men, two-spirited folks, and people who identify somewhere on a gender-fluid male-to-non-binary spectrum celebrating authenticity, expression and connection.
Ignite Festival is for people who:
Want to meet and connect with other kindred spirits
Love expressing themselves through embodied activities
Are on their journey of healing and self-liberation, and want to enable this for others
Value truth, self-awareness, and taking responsibility for their actions
Are looking for new cultural spaces as alternatives to the mainstream
On Consent:
At Ignite we create brave spaces for people to explore themselves and each other. This requires a high degree of care, attention, and safety to enable everyone to feel comfortable and empowered in our shared spaces. Please know that you will never be forced to do anything in any workshop. Our facilitators trust that you know what is right for your body.
Ignite operates according to our Community Guidelines of Consent, Community, Care & self-Care, Curiosity, and Confidentiality. Consent Culture is a cornerstone of how we gather. In our opening rituals, we will review the principles and practices of Consent Culture along with our other Community Guidelines. In addition, for those who want to dive deeper, there will be a consent workshop offered on Friday.
Our Organizers:
Ignite Festival is organized by Men In Touch. Men In Touch is dedicated to promoting vitality in body, heart and soul through the medium of touch, mindfulness, yoga and movement. We strive to create safe and inviting spaces for men+ of all types to explore their creativity, sexuality, and spirituality.